American Beer Review LIVE!
Welcome to the American Beer Review podcast. Good times with good friends requires good beer, lucky for us we know how to pick all three. We’re a group of friends who grew up in the Pacific Northwest, giving us a jump start on our craft beer journey. Join Alec, Chad, and Brian while we review some beer, talk about beer topics, and whatever else comes up. We invite you to pour yourself a drink and hang out with us.
American Beer Review LIVE!
American Beer Review LIVE! Episode 41 - Darkest Before Dawn ft. Barrique Brewing & Blending and Threes Brewing
Only one more ABR LIVE! episode to go before Chad starts Tavour-ing IPAs again. This week we celebrating the return of 5pm sunsets, and manage to lose track of the time discussing some amazing dark beers. First up today is Barrique Brewing and Blending's Melange Fonce Dark Farmhouse Ale and a discussion on how best to spend your time in Nashville. We then dig into Indelible Czech Dark Lager from Threes Brewing and talk about Untapped check-ins and ideas about dual-use taprooms.
Barrique Brewing and Blending
Melange Fonce Dark Farmhouse Ale
16oz - Tavour Crate
7.0% ABV
Threes Brewing
Indelible Czech Dark Lager
16oz - Tavour Crate
4.4% ABV
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Welcome to another episode of the American Beer.
Speaker 2:Review Podcast Good times for good friends requires good beer. Lucky for us, we know ethnic all three.
Speaker 3:We're a group of friends who grew up in the Pacific Northwest, giving us a jump start on our craft beer journey.
Speaker 1:Join us today. While Brian that pride myself on not getting to know other people, so do not put that on me.
Speaker 3:Alec. So the bananas up until like the 60s weren't entirely different species of banana.
Speaker 1:And Chad Hit me like a bacon bar Review some beer, talk about beer topics and whatever else comes up. We invite you to pour yourself a drink and hang out with us. I'm saying Chad has to put in now, specifically three white guys talking about beer. One does not have a beer.
Speaker 2:Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But the insulting thing is all you have to do is write three beer podcast hosts and that's what it's about. It's just white. It's three white music beers, that's all right, we've also been pizzas with rosy cheese.
Speaker 3:And oranges, and oranges and otters, the otter one. I liked the otter, that one popped.
Speaker 2:That was good. The otter didn't pop until I put the text in and then it looked like one of those like when you go in the store during the holidays and they have the we found some old artwork and shit out of puzzle. It looked like one of those that like put the text. It was like it was one of those puzzles you put together. Chris was like oh, we've had this in the family attic for 40 years, let's put it together. Um, but yeah, it was perfect. While you open that beer.
Speaker 1:We bought otter. His shirt reminds me I don't know if I'm going to make it to a race this year. Not Portland, uh, besides Portland.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think that's the one I'm doing too. Perfect Okay.
Speaker 1:Um which actually reminds me.
Speaker 3:Because we're doing San Diego.
Speaker 1:Is it the? Do we know for sure? It's the same first weekend again.
Speaker 3:We haven't seen dates yet. Uh, dates are out, but they haven't set tickets.
Speaker 2:This one goes to Brian.
Speaker 3:No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Come on, man, we can't. I got it no.
Speaker 2:I got it Now. We're good, do you? We're good, do you? Totally Um? These sunglasses are great because you don't have to declare the last couple of episodes, like I would go to look at you guys and then I you've got the. You both have key lights right over your shoulders. It just killed me. Um, for it's porn for myself.
Speaker 1:So we're pretty sure it's that first weekend of June, though it has been yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm going to put it in. I'm basically, since I have the flexibility, I'm not planning anything for June.
Speaker 3:Um, because we may do the same thing you guys have done the last couple of years, so I'll go down with the kids.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, uh, stay the first night They'll come down and she'll come to the race and we'll do it.
Speaker 3:Air BNB. We'll see.
Speaker 2:I might even air BNB Dude. I just need a spot to shower on the way down. That's all I need. The three days at Grime is fine, but I don't want to sit it in the. I don't want to sit in the car for three hours driving home.
Speaker 1:That's the thing is like they need either like uh, like one of the portable shower, things like go pay a couple bucks and do that.
Speaker 2:Or partner with Elephant Car Wash and just have an open air, just walk through. Let me walk through in my shorts. I don't care.
Speaker 1:We would just have to like, invest and make it like a more serious, like production, instead of I wake up and my clothes are soaked on the floor and someone slept on the floor for half the time and I'm like on a broken cot and like that could elevate the experience.
Speaker 2:That's part of the experience.
Speaker 1:Your clothes weren't the ones that were hanging on a truck, bed all day trying to dry.
Speaker 2:Cause I don't put my clothes on the floor in a tent.
Speaker 3:I didn't either. I left my bag in the trailer.
Speaker 2:My clothes were nowhere near anyone where they were sleeping.
Speaker 3:You know, I also just slept in my clothes, because I sleep with people.
Speaker 2:I sleep because we're sharing a tent with somebody who may or may not have peed into a closet before. So no, I don't trust my clothes, I listen.
Speaker 1:I have seen him take his own pants off to use as a blanket before Bald strategy, bald strategy.
Speaker 2:He legs got plenty of muscle, lots of blood. They stay warm. Can't sleep without a blanket. You don't want cold nips when you're sleeping All right, All right.
Speaker 1:So today what am I?
Speaker 3:drinking. We are starting. Oh, this is going to be awesome.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, I remember reading about this. This is the.
Speaker 2:This is the. We're exiting the darkness. The darkest days of winter are starting to be behind us in January, so this is a brick brewing and blendings.
Speaker 3:Malange Français. This is a wild a, a bare-aged wild ale blend of wide variety of our dark sour beers. This batch of Malange Français is comprised of wild rock beer, Flanders red wood, broom, sour stacks and dark farmhouse casks with a modern, moderate acidity, particularly for a dark sour. Malange Français 2023 has a huge flavors of cola, cherry, cordial, sarsaparilla and chocolate covered cherry.
Speaker 2:Out of Nashville, tennessee. Yes, and this is at 7.5%.
Speaker 3:That just changed a lot, yeah. And then Flanders red ale.
Speaker 2:Yes, all on tap. It linked us that way, but on a Tavor it was a dark sour.
Speaker 3:So it Malange Français.
Speaker 2:The spice must flow. It's all ice, it's close.
Speaker 3:It's dark spices.
Speaker 1:Wow Okay.
Speaker 3:And barric is just a what do I have it? An oak barrel used for storing wine. So pronunciations were on point for at least that part, the rest of what I might have butchered.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and then we went back and forth about whether to be impressed or concerned. I was thoroughly impressed, so yeah, oh, what is that one? So why is there?
Speaker 2:they have, they have a lot of different versions of this.
Speaker 1:Yes, every year.
Speaker 3:So this is the 2023 version, so it's going to change as any kind of wild ale would.
Speaker 1:There's a bourbon barrel aged blackberry version yes.
Speaker 2:And they all use a similar style art. So, like they were the other day they dropped like four out of these kind of styles and they were all the same. Can just the text at the bottom so kind of threw me off. It was like, oh hey, look at this, the new varietal of it. But it's like, oh no, this is just kind of they keep the art similar but then just have the names change. I'm a little disappointed.
Speaker 1:We didn't get this version. There's a green river version.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know.
Speaker 1:I didn't see it at the time. I didn't see it at one, but I've never heard of green river bourbon barrel like bourbon.
Speaker 2:There's lots of green rivers.
Speaker 3:It's not our greenery. I know that, so did you find anything else about barric broing and blending other than they were in Nashville Tennessee?
Speaker 2:I haven't looked At an entirely surface level.
Speaker 3:No, there is no about us page on their website, which is usually my go to. That was my problem.
Speaker 2:So they were. I found the PDF menu for all the beers.
Speaker 3:So they craft unique open fermented, blended and fruited sour beers using local ingredients. Our clean beer program focuses on continental loggers, authentic English cascades, smoked beers and the occasional West Coast IPA. I had the guy's name in here. Okay, that is.
Speaker 1:Did you say that they are all barrel-aged?
Speaker 3:They focus on yeah, everything's barrel-aged.
Speaker 1:On Untapped. It says all barrel-aged.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they have a lot of beers on Untapped.
Speaker 3:Learn something so small company like two to ten employees. But only way I was able to find any of that information is on LinkedIn. No way. So that is their LinkedIn Greek Brewing and Blending LLC. And they had the guy's name in here when I looked it on my computer, but it did not. Honestly, I think sometimes that's a good sign they're just too busy making beer, to even worry about posting it online, but they've been around since a while, like 2017, I think they're not in a bad spot, so they're like they're 2017.
Speaker 1:Too busy slinging beer. They're across the Cumberland River from downtown Nashville, so what we think of traditionally us being not from the area think of like downtown Broadway, yeah, so like Broadway runs up to that river and then you go across and that is where the football stadium is, and then on that side so I think it's called the East Bank there's some different buildings and things and there's a top golf not far from them and some other stuff, but it looks like this might just be a big warehouse and I don't know if they have a tap room there, but like, oh, dude, they do, they have a. Yeah, if this picture comes through, I'm struggling with my service. It is a massive room of barrels and it looks dope Like. I'll see if that loads. I'm struggling right now, but, yeah, I already sip some. This is delightful.
Speaker 3:So it's nice and dark, but that's just. You're gonna get out of a barrel aged right A lot of that color.
Speaker 1:That's not dark, but no.
Speaker 1:but the different things talked about it being like a dark sour and being In this, the back of it says a dark farmhouse ale. Yeah, I couldn't get the picture to load. Man, oh, look there. So I think that's where their tasting room is. Mm-hmm, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Like, yes, please, that's cool. So the smell is not. So when I think farmhouse, I really think like Cezanne, yes, and think of that. I'm not getting like the same, like the farmhouse that. But that's why, like the different things that they've talked about, like it being a red Flanders, like there's these different variations, that I think it's just a beer that they've done something sort of unique with and maybe are struggling to like find the right descriptor to get it out, I probably would have purchased it on my own by seeing it labeled as a dark farmhouse, because I would have been like, oh okay, like that's a little different and, don't be wrong, like I've had dark Belgians, but that's still not the same.
Speaker 1:But you're not getting Belgian, you're not getting.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I saw dark and wild and I was like, okay, so we've done a couple yes and C and I like that yeah. And I was like, oh hey, gimmick for the episode. It's kind of smooth, there's like, but I'm not mad about it.
Speaker 1:It's a hint of sour, but not really.
Speaker 3:It's not an overly sour it's not even. That's why they're not calling it a sour. It's a wild ale.
Speaker 1:But even wilds you still get like, and maybe it's more like a thunk or like a that you feel like you would get.
Speaker 2:But Do you want to know what this reminds me of?
Speaker 1:I'm gonna say yes, but I am cautious.
Speaker 2:A sun-bred tea with a little bit with some lemon in it. Okay, I can see that you lost me a tea I'm getting. If you told me this was a hard iced tea with lemon, I'm halfway there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but I like this?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I like it too, but this is like I'm giving somebody some rails for right on to get to know what we're tasting here. Let me know if I'm off.
Speaker 1:I don't get tea. I don't like tea. I've never liked tea. No variation has anybody been like? Hey, try it like this. It's still been just, I think. Yeah, I can't remember the exact quote, but Ted Lasso made a point of it just being like hot brown water, Like I don't get it.
Speaker 2:Is that what coffee is? Listen man? No, that's hot bean water.
Speaker 1:Can I see the game please? Yeah, absolutely. Tea is hot leaf water.
Speaker 3:So we'll get you some pickle tea for our next review.
Speaker 1:Oh, I will literally walk out.
Speaker 2:No no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no, no, no, there is a touch of pickle, something that reminds Well, it's sour as juice.
Speaker 3:Oh, you're gonna get a little bit of this.
Speaker 1:So part of the naming and I had seen this and then forgot about it, but it is probably has to do with the fact that it's blended. Yes, that you are actually blending different styles. So this is Flanders Red, which is a unique style, and an Oodeazu Bear that you are actually blending different styles. So this is Flanders Red, which is a unique style and agen Mare, lazio Brune, which is a different.
Speaker 1:So that's probably where you're getting. You're losing, I think, a little bit more of like the tartness that you would get from a Flanders in that blending process. It's been a while since I had an Oodbrun, so I'd have to remember what, like the specifics of it are.
Speaker 2:There's definitely two notes going on. Yeah, that's what it kind of feels like.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but pairs well together. Yes, like it definitely works.
Speaker 2:I love that they it feels consistent, like there's nothing jarring about it.
Speaker 1:I love that they put like the label is the bottle you'd expect this to be in Right, Like that's kind of fun, Like hey, like we put this fancy beer in a can for you miscreants, like you troublemakers Did.
Speaker 2:I want to say it was can conditioned they probably might have put them, they probably. Yeah, I can't remember if they have to give it a little juge, probably before they put it in the can.
Speaker 1:Anyways, yeah, does not say I'm. This is impressive, this is good. I think this is actually. Did we have a different one from Nashville recently?
Speaker 2:We did the Southern Grist and A-Pills.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's not. I was thinking of a different one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was the last that I can remember.
Speaker 1:Tennessee beer Again, 30 seconds Like a goldfish, yeah, but this, I think this goes to show what has transpired, like I mean by now that the last time I was in Nashville was pre-kids. So we're talking like at least oh man, wait, four years ago, five or six years ago. But we went brewer hopping and like trying to find places, and we were actually staying in East Tennessee at the In East Nashville at the time, and so trying to find one, and we found a good brewery. I liked it, like when we found a couple others just as we were around town, but like I mean you said they've been around for a while.
Speaker 1:So I mean 17 was when they were founded could have been about when we were there, so that could make some sense. That like if it was brand new, I just wasn't jumping off brand new.
Speaker 3:I'm founded, but I don't know how much. I mean, they're barely aging. So how much more above three weeks? How do you?
Speaker 1:need Makes me feel a little better. But it just goes to show that like this to me is like this is kind of nerd beer, like you gotta kind of be into this and doing it, and you see that this stuff is coming around more and more and that there's a different kind of want and need for different styles of beer, even in places where you think, oh, they're only gonna have, they're gonna have terrible IPAs, they're gonna have light beers and they're gonna do this Like that's like, if we think of just a general, like Nashville's a big city, so I can see that people are coming from other places, moving in and bringing their styles and doing it. But when you think of a general city outside of the beer cities, you're gonna expect, okay, I can get craft beer.
Speaker 1:But like, if I don't hit the right brewery I'm not gonna get the good stuff.
Speaker 3:And it's sort of like what would we have two, three weeks ago? How to bend? Oh yeah, we're like super niche and barely aged. Yeah, in bend.
Speaker 1:You expect that. You expect there to be a like off the grid. Literally like up in the mountains guy who's like and he just brings this stuff in and people are like oh my God, this is great, like, and then you have this giant barreling space in. I mean you can walk from downtown I was gonna say downtown Nashville you can walk from what we think of as downtown proper. It's just across the bridge.
Speaker 2:And I'm glad that I've already gotten my first trip to Nashville out of the way and I already did the. Let's drink seven and seven. So two AM when you have a five AM flight out of said city. Don't do that, don't do that. No, I feel like you have to do that. So you don't do that again, cause it's just, it's a fun town to be in, it's a great town if you are somebody who partakes in drinking as a revelry. Yeah, but now that I know these guys are just a walk, I am going to go have delicious barbecue and then it's. Let's go take an Uber to this tasting room.
Speaker 1:You can walk and make it there, but yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm not walking back. Oh no, I'm gonna have to. I'm gonna have to go back. I would, yeah, walk there. I want to save the energy for tasting If I don't have to walk, it Walk the barbecue off.
Speaker 1:That's an extra. No, no, no, no. Drink the beer and no. Oh come on Nope.
Speaker 2:That's not how it goes.
Speaker 1:They got some cool stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this is, it's just fun and to sit in that room is that tasting room with the barrels, and this, that atmosphere.
Speaker 1:I want to know more. What are you doing over there? The?
Speaker 3:sound's off. I'm going through their beer list.
Speaker 2:It's fine, we're almost boomers, we can fight with our phones.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Sitting in these, these huge barrels, like in that space, it really is kind of nondescript from the outside. I do see some light beer. Oh, they got casks. They have actual casks. That's awesome. Yeah, yeah, that's gonna go on. A like that for sure is on a. I need to you want to go back it's, it's an. I need to be there.
Speaker 2:I say I want to hop in there after eating much barbecue, but that's a place like I want to plan my day around.
Speaker 1:This trip here Chad, you're going to have to plan. Yeah, they're open seven days a week. Yes, not very much, but Monday through Thursday four to nine, okay. So Friday they open at two noon and Sunday. Sorry, saturday and Sunday and noon.
Speaker 2:I can make it work, you can figure it out, but like oh, man, that is, if I can get some more beer like this. Yes, I'll make it work.
Speaker 1:This is the thing that, like, when we talk about the massive amount of breweries and things that are coming up and the the, the numbers of them how do I say this kindly? There are some that don't need to be around and I feel bad for people who that's their job, that's their thing, but like as somebody who's talk You're not wrong Wanted to open a brewery.
Speaker 1:Not everyone just needs to open a brewery and there needs to be some balance and some things. But this is this has a space, and this is what I just hope is like how does the mainstream find this enough to make sure that a place like this, like how do they make sure that there's enough business for them to keep going?
Speaker 2:And I don't want the mainstream to know this exists. If you want to stay around and do, Because they're gonna try to cheapen it. They're gonna try to cheapen it.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I want there's a reason places like this exist, that kind of sit at the periphery, but sit there and flourish in the periphery, hopefully, and you find them as a little bright spot, hopefully yeah, so they, I'm wondering where they where the influence, kind of we're talking about a company five hours by plane away. Yeah, like it's some little niche. I mean they could just have a huge local following.
Speaker 1:Good they could use a better website. They probably do.
Speaker 2:They probably do. I mean, you have enough. You have good beer like this. Everyone's gonna tell everyone and their mother in their area you need to go have. If you like good beer, you go have this. So this is very French influence.
Speaker 3:Not all of their beers are, but the name is French. This beer is French. All of their beer sizes on their website are in milliliters or centiliters. So this, so 50 centiliters, is a 69. So so they sell them in cans. This is designed to be sold in it's metric.
Speaker 1:I understand the basis of it, yeah.
Speaker 3:But when you're going all of your, you don't. These aren't 16 nines, these are 50 centiliters. So there's some European influence and they just don't have a ton of backstory and obviously, like Chad said, they're focused on making good beer, not Let people fill in the details themselves.
Speaker 2:Give people just enough information for you to be intrigued.
Speaker 1:Yeah, my browser does not like me trying to find their website, so no. Yeah.
Speaker 3:There's not a lot to see.
Speaker 1:You don't need it they're active on Instagram.
Speaker 3:I did see that so four days ago updated.
Speaker 2:You don't have to be on Instagram, because Chuckleheads like us reach out to you on yeah, damn it. 8 PM at night, after your like third or fourth beer Alec.
Speaker 1:Yep A oh the. The Green River Melange is on tap four days ago, as is a wild ale with Tennessee grown watermelons and nectarines.
Speaker 3:Ooh, okay.
Speaker 2:I know, I know I know, I see you, I see you.
Speaker 1:Listen, I there's a few times. Okay, I call you out a lot, so it's fine. Yeah, a couple of casks Bare-Laged barley wine, you got me. I'm in Cezanne's Myth Culture, blonde. Yeah, dude, no-transcript, go to town on this, this would be. And they sell bottles, so like they have a bunch of their stuff just in bottles, mm-hmm. And then the tap list are like so, man, cool, that's fun, that's cool to see and to find out about. Um, oh, it's their thing, that can is their thing. All of them have the same bottle picture. It's all green and just the different. The styling at the bottom is different.
Speaker 2:If you use the shit. I mean when I was trying to find the exact bottle on untapped. But yeah, the graphics department probably loves it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and they worked with somebody to do some non-alcoholic hot water, if you're into that sort of thing. Oh, it looks like maybe they went through it. It's just flashing a lot. So some of their stuff is in that. There is a different, some different branding stuff, but man hey, good find.
Speaker 3:No, this is real good.
Speaker 1:Okay, so where do I put this? In the fridge?
Speaker 2:I'm putting this in the cellar. If it was in a bottle.
Speaker 1:Yes, I would like to know from them what their thoughts are on Selling it, if we're in a bottle and how long because this is 626 23, so we're already six.
Speaker 3:Change, yeah, month in, but they have batch numbers, so this is batch number 172.
Speaker 1:So you're gonna find out more, which is great, like if you're really digging in to figure out oh, it's been this long, it was done slightly different.
Speaker 2:This is the exact barrel it was done in.
Speaker 3:This is the blend They'll be able to trace it back.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this barrel had XYZ in it over the last its life or whatever. Yeah, because probably all that goes into the blending I.
Speaker 1:Would want a Mixed four pack every couple of months.
Speaker 3:Oh, there you go. Wow, that's what I want from them. That's kind of where I'm going is? I don't know that I would narrow in Just on this, based on their beer list.
Speaker 1:Oh, All the things on the list, I might not have gone to this one.
Speaker 2:Do I have good news for you, brian, because they just released a brand new seasonal four pack Two days, two days ago, so I would go check their gram right now. They have a brand new four.
Speaker 1:Video that was flashing to me a little much it was but I would go check that now.
Speaker 2:But please continue. Sorry to you interject.
Speaker 1:That that's where I see with this is, honestly, if I could Again and it's such a tough thing like, especially if they were local if I could just pop in and If there's a little and well like I did with the one in Bellingham, the new place. It's just like hey, like give me a mix pack of what you got. Yeah, I would literally go in and be like I Don't want a monthly, I want like a quarterly.
Speaker 3:Maybe even by monthly.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I pause to debate whether by monthly meant twice a month or every. Thank you I. I'm thinking every other month hit me with a mix four pack. I Will pay you $20 in shipping.
Speaker 3:Well, I said, if I'm local, yeah I will come and pick it up from local ish, because you're not getting the mix four pack for 20 bucks.
Speaker 1:I, as I said it, I felt like you probably go in 20.
Speaker 2:I will pay you today for a mix four pack.
Speaker 3:I'm gonna 30, probably 30 for a mix four pack of this style, eight to ten apiece but give me one of your Like.
Speaker 1:One of them can be your love.
Speaker 2:This is your hell is why, yes, this is like a double for full transparency. This was a one Can to war by, oh, basically based on the price.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah, I would do like a like give me a split, give me like two of these and then like a more Lorke Whoo. Okay, where you landing, as we're almost 30 minutes into talking about this one.
Speaker 2:Hey, I sort of dude to let it roll.
Speaker 3:I think I'm in the same, like the price puts it like a corally and he said I this is real good. I would definitely try more of their stuff if this was available in a bottle shop full pint of this.
Speaker 3:I would have drained the full pint of this, in fact I'm. This might be my first. Don't top it off. No, you're fine. No, it's all you baby. This might be my first top offer of the day, no, so real good, but I don't. I don't want to narrow myself into this one like yeah, roll through.
Speaker 1:See what else, when they have all these other things that look awesome, like that's the end, is that a benefit? Is that a detriment? Like to me, the brewers, whatever, like I don't know, it's tough. I.
Speaker 2:Think it's a benefit because it's now yeah, we did this, but now next year is gonna be different. Yeah, you got to try it now, you got to have it now. If you want to have it this year, you got to have it now. I think that's a great selling feature For somebody who's for a brewery. That's Pretty niche compared to whatever else we drink and confined dude.
Speaker 1:They have a picture of their. Have you seen a cool ship before they open fermenting? Oh, yeah, yeah, they had their posting it. I love that. They're like I mean obviously being up a front about it, talk about it, but like, yeah, they filled their cool ship for the first time in months, so it is so. They do like brewing seasons, I mean because of this barrel aging. If you're barrel aging, everything you can honestly just do a chunk brew, brew, brew, brew, brew, sit it takes some time, yeah, but that's why you talk about like oh, they started in 2017.
Speaker 1:Like could have taken a while, yeah that's the only things.
Speaker 3:I wish they had more, and maybe they do on Instagram. Maybe that's where their focus is. Could be a lot younger.
Speaker 1:Barrel aged lager beer. Yeah, man Cool, good for them.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm into it Nice, find Good job, me good job for they are almost.
Speaker 1:oh guys, I Figured it out. Yeah, they hosted a metal night, hmm, I.
Speaker 1:Saw that metal like gold metal or metal, metal isn't like it in the boys are back to rattle your bones with high fidelity black metal, doon death black, epic black, atmirs atmospheric black, viking black, you name it. Our very own Kyle once again joins forces with metal and beer me in spinning deep cuts from their massive collection, record collections behind the decks at Vanuatuat, nashville and joy, rare barric drafts and drink specials all night. Nice, oh, kyle, will buy you a drink if you show up in corpse paint.
Speaker 3:I don't know. I don't know what that means.
Speaker 1:You're a corpse paint, just a white with the like.
Speaker 2:Anyways, since we have been so energized by this beer, let's just go right in. The other one, let's go to another beer.
Speaker 1:Keep it rolling, cuz.
Speaker 3:Brian will like this one another dark beverage.
Speaker 1:Are you serious or you messing with me, because I see green on there, check dark logger. Oh yeah, money I got. I got you boo dude. I just had one yesterday. It is Well, you're gonna have one today. It is a season. Oh, this is way darker, this dark.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this one's mine, the next one's yours, the last ones is. Hopefully mine gets a better pour than the last one.
Speaker 3:Hard when it's a full can, and you can always.
Speaker 1:You can always double up still I I'm gonna come out ahead of time and already say I feel like a truck that check dark logger is still Seasonal beer. I don't know that. I'm seeing many people making them like summertime.
Speaker 2:But no one's gonna make fetch happen with that.
Speaker 1:It's, this is the way that like. So I'll. I was at Brew in Seattle and they sell pints or half pints, no flights, and so I was like, all right, well, I can do a few like Variations, and I started with one. It so it's. I'm to Bert Gilman brewing right on the Bert Gilman trail in Seattle. They had a beer that I didn't read too much into it and literally the name Got me into buying it. It is called Peter shark. Do, do, do, do.
Speaker 2:I saw that check in on untapped and I went. Did I read that right?
Speaker 1:So then I went from Peter shark, which was like a 4.7, like a toffee light beer, to a barley wine in a five ounce. So this to a full pint of Czech dark logger. So that is me, in the winter time, not drinking IPA's.
Speaker 3:So this is. We didn't talk about it, yet mentioning it, this is indelible, not inedible, which?
Speaker 2:is how I do keep.
Speaker 3:This is an indelible mark, yep, an indelible mark on your soul from drinking it. This is a Czech dark logger at four point four percent ABV from threes brewing. How metal is that?
Speaker 1:I looked at this because I was like three. Somebody typed it different and it was three something it was three I can get there.
Speaker 3:I was gonna jump ahead. I'll let you know where that came from. It's dark, so they have a black logger that is, indelibles brewed with a hundred percent Czech ingredients is largely differentiated from other German loggers and our lineup by the Czech logger yeast Used in fermentation. German East deals drier crisp beer, beers, czech yeast, richer and fuller ones, and they took a trip 2019, whatever Czech Republic, and bore pills and then fell in love with the dark logger, which is where they started burning at four point four lower ABV, very drinkable For sure. So threes brewing. This is another one. Deep cut was not on their website.
Speaker 1:I had to go back to an article from 2015 Dude when you say you put it research, you are putting in research find it, and I Didn't even.
Speaker 3:It was still behind a paywall Because it was a New York post so it was still behind a paywall so you can scroll down a little bit and then say and then no, never mind. Yeah, I'm real fast and read. So it's three dudes. It's a Brooklyn based brewing yeah company Three guys and then their first brewing facility was three, three, three Douglas have. My guess is that's where the threes Came from, but they've got five locations In and around like New York, so it's one of them I think is like a seasonal but then Really focused in on like their main. One has a coffee shop and a restaurant and a music venue in addition. So, like they're.
Speaker 1:You gotta have multiple streams of revenue streams and life our original like Thought, ours, many, mine and my wife's was we talked about a potential brewery. Is Also opening it early as a coffee shop? Yes, cuz that's she. I Can't know if she did through college, but then as like teaching early, she supplemented also by like, but we started on the weekends and loved it and so like that would be kind of a way to like. The problem is, if you're doing Cup coffee stuff, you got to be theoretically Open and going by a certain time. Yeah, to then be doing the beer stuff yes to then be doing the beer stuff.
Speaker 1:Well, actually that's the thing is, I think their coffee shop didn't open, the one she worked, I didn't open till like seven there's a business, the neighborhood one. They depends where. You're still there, still functioning. But if you're doing beer stuff, you're easily talking about like a open by seven, not closing till nine or ten. If it's you and your wife doing it, that's a split day where you were maybe getting a few hours of crossover and that's about it.
Speaker 2:So but it's like what you said in that article from a few months ago If I get a coffee and a beer at the same time and they can offset each other, oh, I still haven't tried it. Yeah, chemically, I have been experimenting with another non-alcohol depressants. Okay, coffee in the joint.
Speaker 3:Puts a whole different term on the coffee joint, so they just so. The other thing about threes brewing they jumped on distribution super early so they started. I think Think 2015 14 is when they started, right somewhere around there, but 2020, like, oh, like, leading edge of. Covid, they started distributing, so you can they say we will, we will send the beer to you so they'll distribute within New York City like their own drivers, like we will drive it to you.
Speaker 3:But they distribute to 30 states. Wow, so they say they're in like 300 or 700 plus bars, restaurants and Stuff across the country and, yeah, 30 states. They have distribution into that's from them, not through like a, I thought I had the wrong site.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when I first pulled it up because it looked like it fully, like it almost looked like To war yeah, because it's like I know we can get buried you anywhere you want was like holy shit, am I on the right site? But like, backed out, back back in it. Yeah, I'm on the right site. I just went to their store page. You went directly through them and not through the war, or it? No, no, this was through to war.
Speaker 3:But doing yeah, but then it was like holy shit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, super, because a lot of the folks that I do the research on it's like, yeah, we'll ship you beer in the state.
Speaker 1:Yeah that's like Structures was posted a bunch. Yeah, I'm about doing stuff.
Speaker 3:It's the same, but good for them. Getting up speed that fast probably kept him in business. And then, yeah, but diverse. Right, we haven't even talked about the beer.
Speaker 2:We don't know, we don't hear it talked about the beer. This is nice rolling dark logger dude.
Speaker 2:It's what I like about this logger and what I think I like the the you word I like about loggers. There's more on the nose than there is on the palette, mmm, like you get in there that I get all the coffee notes in the dark, whatnot. But when you hit, when it hit Hits the palette and those taste buds start working. It's, there's a little bit, I Get the little bit of darkness, but then once it's, once it's on down to your tum, tum, it's done.
Speaker 1:It makes me really think about Doing some kind of challenge of like Two out of three of us don't know what beers are being poured in, like literally being like blindfolded, like this is like a blindfold.
Speaker 3:Oh, so not looking at this. I'm not If you are enough of a.
Speaker 1:Brightness. I'm talking about like if you take aroma.
Speaker 3:So that's what I'm saying is like if you smell this, I think it's a stout, and that's where I wonder like what there's not enough coffee in it but I wanted to first this, as I Want to confuse this with, like a pilsner, no or no?
Speaker 1:It just makes me wonder what I would like actually be able to Quantify it if I'm not really knowing ahead of time.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah, I may go like a brown ale.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, it reminds me would this isn't American beer better?
Speaker 1:reminds me of a new castle, you would complain about the lack of body in a brown ale because it's a little thin, yeah, and then realizing that it's actually a logger.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but fine, I don't, then I don't care, then I don't care.
Speaker 1:I feel a little better about this, because you also would be like it's missing some body, it's missing that. But then you're like, oh, it's just a, it's a freaking 4.8% logger, like for money, or oh, I'm, I said 4.8 can says 4.4.
Speaker 2:Well, it's okay. When I was going with well, fine.
Speaker 1:Semantics.
Speaker 3:I was wrong, as I have been apparently more lately, but we need like a buzzer for that Someday.
Speaker 1:Brian, you in my wife.
Speaker 2:This beer fridger cuz. Sorry, beer fridger, I'll get back up to the mic. Um, I just this isn't a flavor. I want your round. This is a fall flavor, kind of what I talked about from the beginning.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I. I would love to know more about the. I may find out the history of the style, whether they actually brew it your round or whether it is specifically For just a season, because if it is just for a season, like that to me is kind of perfect.
Speaker 3:Yeah, they're just seasonal beer fridge Sounds good for me. I would try some of their logical conclusion yes, they're out of focus, they're bad wallpaper, they're all or nothing.
Speaker 1:What are?
Speaker 2:everything was forever. I was no more beer.
Speaker 3:Fool's air and tyranny and mirrors. Shop talk they got some fun names is where I was going. Sound of exclamation. Nothing is forever. How about a food for thought?
Speaker 2:It's like there's 10,000 breweries in America and they all gotta find we only we only see so many of them, but so many of them, I feel bad. Have the ribs. They have a little. Yeah, they do. Merriam-webster word of the year.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, so you can get a seasonal mixed case From them, yes, or a mixed hoppy ales case from them, word I.
Speaker 1:Was it to me how much?
Speaker 2:I'm looking at it, I'm waiting to, I'm waiting to.
Speaker 3:every time I check I you gotta go through and shopping this is a problem 20, 24, so you're gonna 24 pack of 16 ounce cans once. So it's gonna be a chunk to get it out here from New York. It's literally crossing the country, yeah, but four cans each of six different styles oh Great yeah.
Speaker 2:You got your friendly podcast friends to share with right the real question is or if you're friendly across the country beer or sends you free beer, we'll talk about it.
Speaker 1:Is there more in that can yeah?
Speaker 3:Yes, thank you Just go you guys got it.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna finish the rest of this Tasty beer review. Last month.
Speaker 3:Yeah, the Uh misreviewed maybe. Yeah, we made amends. This is a fun like.
Speaker 1:I feel like I'm just like At some point I think we hit a point where we talk about these Quinoa little breweries that turns out, or maybe not that little not that little they're just not near us yeah.
Speaker 3:And you're like, it's the anti sec bias. Yes, yes, we are the. Sec of beer the Northwest is the SEC of beer. Oh Okay, so we're beer biased towards our conference.
Speaker 2:What is this? A West Coast IPA no.
Speaker 1:No, no. What are you? From the middle of nowhere?
Speaker 2:Iowa what do you know about West Coast IPA?
Speaker 3:all the way in the East Coast.
Speaker 1:You can't make beer out there, listen even part of this also was made in New York City, part of the West Coast, does not Make a West Coast IPA. True, we've literally talked on this podcast about how, like, there should be also then a Pacific Northwest or Northwest IPA compared because, yes, but yeah, yes, okay, I get you. It goes back to talking about the ones Earlier to be in different places and find, like legit, really, I just still, I think to me have, and this is a Time and place thing it was years and years ago the airport in Las Vegas and there is a Brewery in the airport and we, on the way out of town, stopped and got drinks there and it is one of the two times that I can count three times Right of left, three times for me, so that I've left beer that I paid for because it was not worth finishing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but you don't need beer leaving Las Vegas, you need water and no lecture lights.
Speaker 1:Yes and yes, nothing's. The IPA was so bad.
Speaker 2:I Need a grease, a cheeseburger and a touch of alcohol no, to leave Vegas.
Speaker 1:When I leave Vegas, I need a Grilled chicken Caesar salad so that I can pretend I'm getting like. I'm getting a little bit of like Something. But I need some greens in my life. That's me. That's my go-to every time I'm traveling like that. That's what I'm getting. Hmm, all right, well, you know, teach their own.
Speaker 3:Yeah, this is a seasonal beer fridge. Yeah, I would see the L's are great.
Speaker 1:Yes, right, that took me a second. Yeah, I'm. I'm shocked at how few I've actually checked in, as much as I talked about them and enjoy them.
Speaker 3:You were just like. I love them. This is my favorite style of beers. Every six times I'll see one on grab one. I've checked in.
Speaker 1:Um, and one of them was on this podcast, but it is true, but like it is a, it's a go-to, it's a thing that like, particularly in the winter season, to not have to go full stout but to get a lot of that flavor without the.
Speaker 2:yeah, like to me they it can be a flavor in the flavor in the look in your glass.
Speaker 1:Yes, it could be an all-day drinker With more flavor and but, like there, there is Less alcohol than my macro light beer I have on the back end here like God.
Speaker 3:It doesn't even say doesn't show it on the camera.
Speaker 1:Oh no, 4.2. So ballpark, two more so, but here's the deal.
Speaker 2:What the the yeah, but what, what? What would Brad Klazowski say?
Speaker 1:Kizlowski, kizlowski.
Speaker 2:What would Brad Kizlowski say about you not having that macro?
Speaker 1:Yeah, Tall boy. This the promise. It's a good, nice beer that I'm not just gonna treat as my like. No offense, brad, but if I don't, if we get to end this and I don't finish this Dumping, it's going in the same baby but I am not dumping no one For it. Yeah, I didn't. Someone else did number two. That is way better.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's way better.
Speaker 1:Yes, but yeah, give me like a rotator of all the Czech dark vloggers For all of winter season. I want it starting in like mid-October through the end of February. Okay, I just want a rotator of Czech dark vloggers in my fridge all the time. Put this one in it, this one in it. Yeah, I can't go to New York to get it. I've literally never been to.
Speaker 3:They will ship it to you.
Speaker 1:It costs a lot to get it shipped in state. I don't want to know how much it costs to get a ship from New York.
Speaker 2:Well then, we just got to get this ship popular, so our distributors start bringing it in, baby.
Speaker 1:There you go, because I think even I looked at getting it from structures and it was like you got to buy a whole case and and then the shipping what's a couple 30 bombs between friends?
Speaker 2:That that's the key. That's probably if we can.
Speaker 1:I'm not doing on my own there you go. I'm not gonna chug this listen.
Speaker 3:He's gonna say my glass is empty. I know I've been enjoying this Brian did top off, so he'll finish his, but the rest of our glasses are empty. Hopefully yours are too.
Speaker 1:We'll be soon.
Speaker 3:We'll catch you next time.
Speaker 1:If you've enjoyed what you just heard, make sure you subscribe to get new episodes when they drop, and don't forget to leave us a review. If you want to see what we're drinking, we're not on the pod. You can follow us on social media at a beer review. Feel free to send us any beer suggestions that we can make Chad go by. Office of war.